Farming and Ranching will operate from a sustainable model which will provide an educational platform

  • Teaching the responsible use of available resources to operate a commercially viable model
  • Provide growth and opportunity for the community

Establish test farms to facilitate the research of the most efficient use of available resources and best crop selection.

Increase efficiency and improve on best practices through the use of technology.

  • Improve resource management
  • Employ remote monitoring and control systems
  • Utilize aerial surveillance for daily management
  • Develop enhanced mapping techniques to aid in livestock management
  • Become more efficient in the use of water and acreage
  • Must overcome the lack of reliable information which hinders decision making
  • Work to improve historical data which is neither very accurate, nor complete
  • The area is diverse enough that more than one solution is possible
  • Replace trial and error with a more standardized scientific approach
  • Utilize Science and Technology to create a repeatable model that can be applied across the area
  • Change the paradigm by challenging the status quo by introducing technology 
  • Create a tool that will allow the most efficient use of available resources
  • Employ technology to improve performance

Use science education to provide the tools to make better decisions about resources and resource management. 

We will partner with local colleges and universities to provide a curriculum which will:

  • Measure the environment and available resources
  • Establish multiple sources of data collection
  • Automate data collection to facilitate reporting
  • Create an area profile on climate and environment

We will establish multiple sources of data collection to monitor the eco-system of our area

  • Leverage existing resources, as well as establish new resources
  • Augment data collection by installing multiple monitoring stations
  • Automate data collection and reporting
  • Leverage the technology to collect, store and manage climate data

We will leverage technology to improve operations

Utilize technology to monitor resources

  • Employ automation to control resources
  • Leverage technology for resource surveillance
  • Use detailed mapping techniques to aid in resource control

Employ field automation systems to monitor:

  • Water well performance
  • Water storage levels
  • Feed levels
  • Feeder status
  • Ground water
  • Soil Moisture

Employ automation to control resources:

  • Pasture access
  • Water well output
  • Water storage systems
  • Irrigation systems
  • Feeders

Use precision mapping and UAV technology for resource control

  • Wildlife management and game survey
  • Erosion control planning
  • Water storage expansion
  • Pasture management

Tools for Students

Watch the full presentation as Laredo College students in the Electrical Technology and Welding programs receive specialized toolkits, thanks to a generous donation from the CenterPoint Energy Foundation and South Texas Advancement Resource (STAR).

STAR President William F. Raney joins LC faculty and staff to present the equipment and celebrate the students’ journey toward a successful career.