Outreach Calendar of Events

Events Calendar

Hebbronville USDA/NRCS Conservation Programs Workshop
Thursday 24 April 2025, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Hits : 6
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Bianca Brewster 956-898-2886

Interested in applying for USDA/NRCS assistance to improve your land but don't know where to start? STAR Programs provides free application assistance for the following counties: Webb, LaSalle, Zapata, Duval, Jim Hog and Jim Wells.

This workshop will walk you through the application process and provide information on current funding opportunities.

Workshop will be located at: East Foundation

                                             310 Galbraith Street

                                             Hebbronville, TX

Location East Foundation 310 Galbraith St. Hebbronville, TX

Tools for Students

Watch the full presentation as Laredo College students in the Electrical Technology and Welding programs receive specialized toolkits, thanks to a generous donation from the CenterPoint Energy Foundation and South Texas Advancement Resource (STAR).

STAR President William F. Raney joins LC faculty and staff to present the equipment and celebrate the students’ journey toward a successful career.